Bollig Design

Wildlife Sightings

Wildlife Sighting

Northern Shoveler

A coat of many colors, the Northern Shoveler stands out with its patchwork attire. They can be seen in large groups of Ringed Necks and American Coots.

That's A Mouth Full

The Cormorant is one of two birds that hunts for fish by swimming under the water. They have long necks and hooked yellow bills. They are often seen perched on branches overlooking the water.

Junk Yard Dog

Protruding bones called "scute" on this alligator's back make it look like he is wearing a dog collar, one typically seen on a guard dog.

Northern Harrier Hawk

The Northern Harrier Hawk is a regular visitor to Lake Apopka Wildlife Trail. They can be seen circling over the marsh above the reeds, occasionally diving below the reed line. These hawks are st...


The Sora is a very secretive brown and gray marsh bird and to get a photo is a true achievement. The Sora forages quietly at the base of reeds in the wetlands. If startled it will bolt into the r...

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Wildlife Sightings – Bollig Design
Bollig Design

Wildlife Sightings

Wildlife Sighting

Northern Shoveler

A coat of many colors, the Northern Shoveler stands out with its patchwork attire. They can be seen in large groups of Ringed Necks and American Coots.

That's A Mouth Full

The Cormorant is one of two birds that hunts for fish by swimming under the water. They have long necks and hooked yellow bills. They are often seen perched on branches overlooking the water.

Junk Yard Dog

Protruding bones called "scute" on this alligator's back make it look like he is wearing a dog collar, one typically seen on a guard dog.

Northern Harrier Hawk

The Northern Harrier Hawk is a regular visitor to Lake Apopka Wildlife Trail. They can be seen circling over the marsh above the reeds, occasionally diving below the reed line. These hawks are st...


The Sora is a very secretive brown and gray marsh bird and to get a photo is a true achievement. The Sora forages quietly at the base of reeds in the wetlands. If startled it will bolt into the r...

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